Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (LCPD)
Support and information for parents of perthes children and adult perthes survivors
THERAPIES - Hydrotherapy, Hippotherapy and Physiotherapy

Keep leg straight with noodle hooked behind heel and then try to lower leg in pool, keeping noodle in place

Noodle under foot and then push down to the bottom of the pool, then bend knee again

Foot hooked over noodle with knee bent and then straightening leg while pulling noodle under the water, keeping noodle in place

Starting position - relaxed and lying straight

Second position - knees drawn up to chest, then straighten back out. This can be added to, by touching feet together and dropping knees out into 'frog leg' position

Raise leg out to side as high as comfortable, then back down to standing straight

Foot resting on knee of other leg and then knee moved from front, out to side and back

Lying down and supported by instructors, this gives a great stretch through the front of the pelvis and helps with hip extension. The horse continued to walk slowly around while this position was held too

Walking around the room in this position helped with hip flexion - 'duck walking'